Unity Macroverse Wiki

The United Nations of Earth was born after the Great War of 1937 to 1945, and was initially created to avoid global conflict with the overriding principle of peaceful resolution through consultative and diplomatic forums.  Very little executive powers lay within the UN during its initial years as the western and eastern powers were jostling for influence and supremacy. The underlying difference of beliefs between eastern social communalism and western capitalism were destined to be played out during the latter half of the 20th century through proxy wars fought in Africa, Russia and South America.

The “rush” for economic and political blocs driven by geopolitics dominated the 20th century and extended into the 21st century.

As the 21st century ended and multiple advances in science and technology dominated global consciousness, its application to the population saw rising influence to eastern social communalism as opposed to the western capitalistic ideologies.  The UNE was given more powers over governing as the blocs began the race for influence through science and technology.  The UNE began to exercise greater control over administrative, humanitarian & diplomacy matters over the majority of the blocs.  

Eastern influences through the sharing of technological and scientific findings, began to spread throughout Asia, and by the mid-23rd century, larger blocs were formed and the old western capitalistic world order began to recede except in the Americas, where its influence began to spread.  

The 24th Century saw the demise of the capitalist reward systems and replaced by activity & social communalism based economies, further driving rapid advances in humanity in all branches of its civilisation.  The UNE is given further autonomy and finally through an act of the General Assembly, adopted by all the nations on Earth, the formation of a Global Government becomes a reality in AD 2330 with its General Assembly and HQ moving from Beijing to Shanghai.  The western capitalistic states had already begun off-world colonisation and had firmly established its “Administrative” Centre on Mars and by AD 2380, forms a Union with UNE.

World Economic & Political Blocs 2260

World Economic & Political Blocs 2260

World Union 2330

World Union 2330